Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited

Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited

 TOO LATE: Marcella van Soest with a photo of her husband Willem being treated in hospital for ...

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Lung Cancer caused by Asbestos Exposure

ANNIEHOFFMAN Lung Cancer caused by Asbestos Exposure

FROM AVA's LEGAL ADVISOR ANNIE HOFFMAN  Lung cancer is a condition that can be caused not only ...

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Second Asbestos Summit held in Sydney

Second Asbestos Summit held in Sydney Second Asbestos Summit held in Sydney

Asbestos Victims Association attended the second Asbestos Summit in the first week of September alon...

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  1080 Hits

Research to end asbestos related cancer.

Research to end asbestos related cancer. Research to end asbestos related cancer.

Scientists from Flinders University are trying to develop a new treatment for a highly aggressive, a...

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South Australian man wins exemplary damages from ETSA

South Australian man wins exemplary damages from ETSA South Australian man wins exemplary damages from ETSA

 A South Australian man has won exemplary damages from ETSA after being exposed to asbestos in ...

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Illegal Dumping (The actions of greed)

Illegal Dumping (The actions of greed) Illegal Dumping (The actions of greed)

A truck driver has been caught on CCTV illegally dumping asbestos outside two pre-schools in inner S...

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BHP Billiton Limited v Parker

Will Parker Will Parker

 On 18 June 2012 the Full Court of the Supreme Court handed down a land mark decision in favour...

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Terowie the town where asbestos just lies around

Terowie - asbestos just laying around IMAGE ABC Terowie - asbestos just laying around IMAGE ABC

 Geoff Maul who runs AVA Support Group in Port Augusta talks with some Terowie residents and, V...

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